Thursday, January 12, 2012


So you say this world would be a better place if women had been in charge.

Of course, I've heard that point of view countless times in recent years. Whenever I hear it the entire history of humanity's stewardship of the Earth rolls across my mind. The question you asked seems to suggest the males have done a poor job. It asks me to consider how much better things might be if he had put his brain on hold and allowed civilization to develop at a speed controlled by females.

I wonder, in the beginning, what chance Man would have had against creatures much faster like the horse, the cheetah and even the dog, much bigger like the bear and the elephant and the buffalo, much stronger like the ape and the ox, more insidious like the sub atomic life forms such as viruses. But we survived. We survived and we dominated every other life form on the planet. We harnesssed the rivers and streams to create power and irrigate land for crops. We drew energy from the very air around us to power machines we invented to do more work than any animal could dream of. We probed a world the living eye cannot even see to conquer disease after disease and, more recently, have even unlocked the secrets of manufacturing ourselves to our own design. We turned the sand and rocks and water into high rise buildings, bridges and factories. We learned to soar through the air faster than any bird and even sail to the moon and back.

None of it was done using the brute force you suggest we employed to subjugate human women. All of it was done through the power of our enormous intellect -- the intellect that instinctively uses a built-in gyroscope to find directions rather than the landmarks females use, the intellect that connects visual images with imagination the way the pornography you cannot comprehend does, the intellect that makes perfect sense of the chaos of war, using the same set of principles, strategies and tactics used to wage corporate battles in the 21st Century. The lions, tigers and bears, despite their superior strength, could not prevail in the battle against our intellect. Why do you suppose the human female, using what you consider to be HER superior intellect, has been chattle to the human male for all this time? If intellect is as powerful as history suggests and females are more intellectually qualifed to run the planet than human males, why have they not done so?

The fact...the UGLY TRUTH is that during all these thousands of years humanity has slowly crawled from the slime at the bottom of the ocean to the planet Mars the contribution of female human beings, beyond birthing other human beings, has been so tiny and inconsequential it almost cannot be measured. Do you really believe the social dogma shoved down your throat suggesting they have made no contribution because they have not been permitted to do so? Do you believe the lions and the tigers and bears ALLOWED Mankind to dominate them or do you think human males brutalized them into submission the way you appear to believe we did the human females?

It is a miracle that Man has survived despite his frailties. It has been a greater miracle still that he has become preeminent on the planet and an even greater miracle that he stands poised on the precipice of unlocking the last few remaining secrets of existence. But YOU could have done a better job.

I want to end this rant with the words of Theodore Roosevelt uttered in the year 1910. Read the speech and see if you can comprehend its application here.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

There is no way to know what the human experience might have been like if the female had been in charge. But considering the success of the species during the male's leadership, I think it would have been difficult to surpass. When I hear this question you asked me escape the lips of another human being, I am nearly struck dumb by the ignominious stupidity that must inspire the question. I am hard-pressed to voice an answer without revealing my disgust over the lack of gratitude and the unwillingness of the female to acknowledge the achievements of the man in the arena. And always, of late, I return to the words on the billboard: A WORLD AT PRAYER IS A WORLD AT PEACE. Again I am reminded that at least half of us would prefer to believe a beautiful lie, no matter how demonstrably false it is, than to face an ugly truth.

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