Thursday, January 12, 2012

The American male; Architect of the Earth’s Greatest Empire

No matter what you think of him the American male is due some credit for his contribution to human history. It’s never a good idea to write a historical account until the event has closed, and some would argue America is not over yet. By that measure, Greece is not over yet, nor is Rome nor Egypt nor China, but while those nations survive as geography and still bear their once-hallowed names, all are but shadows of their former selves. At the current rate of decay, the American Empire will qualify as a closed account by the time this report has concluded. So…let’s get on with it, before we’ve entirely forgotten how it all came to be. The interlopers who brought down this great land are changing history so rapidly the truth will soon be past recovery, swept beneath the carpet of “social reform” as that is the lot of all heroes – to be vilified and maligned by those who replace them.

By some yardsticks, there’s not much to recommend the American male. He came over here parading his British devotion to form and brandishing superior fire power, determined to eradicate the native indigenous to the geography. He was quickly joined by the Irish male, who brought his dispensation for high spirits, high octane alcohol and bare-knuckle brawling. Add to that the quick tempered Italians who insisted Rome’s domination of the world should be transferred to the Vatican, and the formula for false bravado, pretentious superlatives and egotistical presumption was ripe. He enslaved the Africans and imported the Chinese to do the dirty work while he set about enraging the world with his interloping politics and a war machine that left little room for argument about who got to hold the pen in the authorship of the history that followed. He treated his women like cattle. He raped the landscape of its natural bounty and imposed his will on all he conquered.

By many measures the American male is a reprehensible creature.

But there is one measure by which the American male stands head and shoulders above all the men in all the lands throughout the history of the planet earth. He has built the greatest civilization ever to grace the globe. The people living within the borders of his nation are the most influential and powerful group of people ever born.

Unfortunately, this titanic icon from the pages of human history has left the building. He has been evicted by his wife. In his place is a man who hesitates to impose his will on those he conquers, avoids raping the landscape, does not treat women like cattle, abhors slavery of any kind and writes history according to what sells theater tickets. He is obsessed with what is appropriate and blind to what is truth. He is infatuated with equality and indifferent to freedom. He is a cartoon character drawn by his wife and mother, living an agenda created by the same two people.

Perhaps, the new version of the American male will be a better steward of this hallowed geography we call America. But, so far, it sure as hell doesn’t look that way. So far, he is ceding preeminence in the world at a rate that would stun his predecessor, who spent 200-years creating it.

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